LibbyHQ is our line of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) sheet made from prime natural resin, food grade certified. HDPE is resistant to chipping, has high impact strength, and is durable & rigid while at the same time is formable. Whether it has a smooth or textured finish it is easily cleaned. It is stain, odour, chemical and moisture resistant. HDPE also performs great in harsh hot and cold temperature conditions.
We provide a wide variety of stock in our standard sizes and colours ranging from .060” up to 1” in thickness both in our smooth and textured finishes. Our HDPE sheet is also available with a UV protection which extends the life of the product for outdoor applications. Other additives are available in the industry such as Flame Retardant, Anti-bacterial and Anti-Stats.
FlatAnn Process
At Libby Mfg we apply our proprietary FlatAnn process to the production of our sheet manufacturing it to the highest consistency of flatness. Through this process the sheet is heated then cooled and reheated multiple times on-line annealing and re-aligning the plastic molecules.
Tolerance Information
Gauges .060″ up to 1″ +/- .05% Length and width plus only at room temperature
Standard Sheet Size
48″ x 96″
48″ x 120″
60″ x 96″
60″ x 120″
Standard Colours
Natural, White, Black, Grey, Red, Dark Blue, Canary Yellow, Gold, Dark Green, Tan and Chocolate Brown
All colours besides natural, white and black come with a masking film, protecting sheet from scratching and scuffing.
Custom Colours
With a close relationship with our colour supplier and spectrophotometry system, we can match any custom colours, and produce consistent results every time.
Textured Finishes
Textured finishes provide a scratch resistant surface. At Libby Mfg we can texture 1 side or both. More texture finishes available in the near future. Please contact us for inquiries.


Orange Peel
Physical Properties
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